Mill Valley Aware sponsors education and events to provide ways for teens and parents to connect and support each other around the issues of teen alcohol and drug use.
Speakers & Workshops
We offer a variety of speaker events and programs to educate and engage both parents and teens.
Activities for Teens
We organize and promote activities and programs to keep our teens healthy and safe!
If you need more information or help, check out our Resources page for a wide array of links.

How aware are you?
Experts say Marin has an ongoing public health crisis on its hands, with far too many kids easily using and abusing alcohol and drugs. The results can be deadly.
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Upcoming Events

Film Screening – I’m Not Racist, Am I?
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Place: Mill Valley Community Center
Film Screening - I'm Not Racist, Am I? BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND I'm Not Racist... Am I? is a feature documentary following a diverse group of teens through a yearlong exploration to get at the heart of racism. Through some tense and painful moments, we see how these difficult conversations affect their relationships with friends and parents, and ultimately challenge them to look deep within themselves. By the end of their time together, we’ll see these remarkable young people develop deeper bonds, a stronger resolve and a bigger, more significant definition of racism

Mill Valley Aware Meeting – February 2020
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2020
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Place: Mill Valley Community Center
Mill Valley Aware - Next Meeting Mill Valley Aware will be holding their next meeting at the Mill Valley Community Center, Thursday, February 27, 2020 from 4:00pm-5:30pm.

Mill Valley Aware Meeting – November 2019
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2019
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Place: Mill Valley Community Center
Mill Valley Aware - Next Meeting Mill Valley Aware will be holding their next meeting at the Mill Valley Community Center, Thursday, November 21st, 2019 from 4:00pm-5:30pm.
Latest News
Tam Talk: Let’s Talk About Cannabis & Vaping | Panel Discussion Video Tam Talk: Let's Talk About Cannabis & Vaping On September 24th, 2019, the Tam Talk: Fall Series event "Let's Talk About Cannabis & Vaping" was held at the Mill Valley Community Center. Below is a recording of the panel discussion. MORE »
Mill Valley Recreation is Raising the Bar! Mill Valley Recreation is Raising the Bar! Mill Valley Recreation is proud to announce support of Raising the Bar! The RAISING THE BAR campaign, a collaboration with the Marin Prevention Network, aims to elevate kids’ experience in youth-oriented programs by changing the social norms around the consumption of alcohol and other substances. As a participating organization in the Raising the Bar campaign, Mill Valley Recreation encourages alcohol and substance-free environment for all organization-led, youth-focused community events. For more information about Raising the Bar, please visit their website. MORE »
Enhancing Emotional Wellness in Students Mill Valley, We Want to Hear From You! The Mill Valley Aware Coalition is inviting community members from each school in Mill Valley for a new and exciting initiative focused on enhancing the emotional wellness of students. If you are interested, or would like more information, email: MORE »
You can’t know everything.
When it comes to your kids health and safety, we know it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by fear and concern. We have information about events, speakers, education, and other resources to make doing the right thing a little easier for you – and your teen.