Mill Valley Aware collaborates with community partners that provide information, guidance and support related to substance use and abuse. Please use the links below to find out more.
Mill Valley Aware collaborates with community partners that provide information, guidance and support related to substance use and abuse. Please use the links below to find out more.
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1. Source: Tamalpais High School. California Healthy Kids Survey, 2013-14: Main Report. San Francisco: WestEd Health & Human Development Program for the California Department of Education.
2. Source: Calculated from CDC WONDER online database, extracted May 22, 2013.
3. Source: Tamalpais High School. California Healthy Kids Survey, 2013-14: Main Report. San Francisco: WestEd Health & Human Development Program for the California Department of Education.
4. Source: RxSafe Marin, 2016.
5. Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System, Mortality File. (2015).
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